Review scan results

(Updated: )

You need to review all photos and videos before removing them. Here's why, based on how CleanMy®Phone works.

In Declutter, the app automatically selects all found photos, as well as videos in the app folders for removal, excluding those added to favorites. It's up to you to identify any items you wish to keep and deselect them.

You can, though, make an exception for the Duplicates category, where the photos are 100% identical. The app keeps the latest copy within each set of duplicates, and you can safely delete the rest.

In Organize, the app relies on AI to categorize photos and identify similar and unique ones to ease your decision-making and save you some time. The app doesn't select anything by default, so it's completely up to you to determine what to keep and what to remove.

Remember that CleanMy®Phone is here to help you manage your photo library, but you retain complete control of what you keep or remove. 

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