Personal and usage data

(Updated: )

CleanMy®Phone scans and processes your photo library right on your device. It doesn't need an internet connection to complete the analysis and doesn't send any files or information associated with them elsewhere. The app collects and uses locally:

  • Metadata of the files included in the Photos app to arrange, categorize, and sort them effectively.

  • Scanning metadata to optimize and speed up further scans of your photo library.

Additionally, to further evolve CleanMy®Phone and improve your user experience, the app collects the following:

  • General device information: Type and capacities of your device, language your device is set to, system version, and the like.

    These details help us make sure that the app works smoothly and reliably on all compatible devices.

  • Analytics events: App usage data like frequency of use, features you use most, and log data with crash reports.

    This information lets us identify points for further improvement and address any issues with the app as quickly as possible.

Besides, we use your email address to send updates about CleanMy®Phone and other useful information relevant to its functionality and use cases. Also, we may use your email address to send you product news and tips, and exclusive deals—only if you choose to subscribe to our newsletter and thus give your consent to receive such emails.

CleanMy®Phone doesn't collect or transfer by any means your personal data to any servers. We value your privacy and our peace of mind.

For more information, read CleanMy®Phone Privacy Policy and Terms of Use

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