Sort photos
(Updated: )By default, CleanMy®Phone sorts categories and photos as follows:
The categories are arranged based on the number and total size of files they contain.
Categories with the most items and the largest total size are shown first.
If categories include an equal number of photos, the one with the largest total size has priority.
Files within each category are sorted by date, with the most recent ones appearing first.
You can change how CleanMy®Phone sorts photos in the categories, what extra data it shows on the file previews, and how it lays out photos in the results. For this:
Open a category either in Declutter, Organize, or the Sensitive folder.
In the upper-right corner, tap the More button.
In the open menu, choose the preferred options:
Sort by Date—sort files by date in descending order, with the most recent one shown first.
Sort by Size—sort files by size in descending order, with the largest one shown first.
Show File Type—show the type of the file (in fact, its category) in the upper-left corner of the file preview.
Show File Size—show the size of the file in the upper-left corner of its preview.
Square Layout—show square previews of the files instead of rectangular ones.
NoteCleanMy®Phone remembers the changes you make to sorting and viewing preferences, and applies them to each and every category in Declutter, Organize, and the Sensitive folder.
When you're viewing a photo full screen in Declutter (the Duplicates category) or in Organize (the Similars group), you can also change the order of the photos with drag and drop.